July 2001 News


Fri 20.07.01 News

Karthik's WAD Changer - 20/07 17:37

I do have something for you to download this time, this is Karthik's WAD Changer or KWC for short.  It's a small utility that I wrote in C++.  This came about because of something that Tobias Münch and me wanted in our editors - an easy way to change the level ID of a map without tampering with anything else.  The program works with Ultimate Doom only, and allows you to change, say, an E2M1 map - into an E1M1 map or anything else, quickly and easily, in case your editor doesn't allow that.  Thanks Tobias, for your comments on the program - I'm glad it was useful for you.

The program was written on 12 July itself, and a few days later it was uploaded to Mindless Games Files.  But it's only today that I got the time to make an update about it.  I've put the link on the Downloads Page (it's there along with my maps), but if you prefer to see the download page directly, it's here.

News - 20/07 17:00

Well, it's been nearly a month since I updated!  As I said last time, the reason behind this is University Exams at college.  Of course, they come only once a semester, and I'm happy to say that I've got just three exams left.  Operating Systems on Monday (23rd), C++ on Wednesday, and finally, Electrical Technology on Friday (27th).  After that, I will resume updating the site as usual, and you can expect to see more reviews and other stuff.  By the beginning of next month, I will be in Third Year Engineering!

So basically all this time I haven't been doing a lot of Dooming.  I have been writing some updates on my personal site however... non-Doom things mostly.  Anyway, the project that my brother, Tobias Münch, Pablo Dictter and me are working on is called The 9th Gate, and we have a new member on the team.  Damian Lee (he did The Following - which I've reviewed) is going to contribute two levels and also compose an original soundtrack!

And I'm doing some artwork for the WAD as well!  On 17th, I drew a titlepic for the project - it has my versions of two monsters from Doom - the demon and the cacodemon.  The demon looks far more gruesome and evil in my drawing!

Other news: 2 July - I got this idea to make Chaos Punch II and planned out the entire level.  I still have to actually make it, but the plan is ready.  4 July - Albert Valls did a Tyson demo of my level Ick, and Varun did a terrific Tyson run of my Chaos Punch.  Both demos are available at Opulent's Speed Demos Archive.  Thanks for the demos, I really enjoyed watching them!  Speaking of demos, I also watched all of John Romero's Legacy Demos of Episode 1.

Happy Birthday Varun - 20/07 16:56

Today, July 20 is my brother Varun's birthday.  Both him and me are busy with exams, but today I wanted to make something different for him.  So I made a small WAD with something that looks like a cake in the middle (well, I did it in a hurry, before he came home from school, so it's not exactly a proper level fit to release... but it looks nice), took a screenshot and made it into a card!  Click the Pic of the Moment or here to have a look at the card.
