8 Movies I Want to See in 2008-09
Ballpoint pen on paper · 21 Sep 08
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About this drawing
This is what I call a "mashup" drawing, where the subject isn't just one thing, rather, a set of items related by a theme. Here, the theme is "8 Movies that I want to see in 2008-09". The drawing was done entirely with a black ballpoint pen on paper, and later coloured on computer. This is the list of movies featured in the drawing (you have to see it clockwise from top) —
- Watchmen — The yellow-coloured smiley badge with a blood splat on top of it is from Watchmen, a highly-anticipated movie adaptation of the all-time classic graphic novel. The movie will be released on 3-Mar-09 in the US and is from director Zack Snyder (who made 300). All materials (posters, video footage) released so far related to the movie look fantastic, and since I love the book, I cannot wait to see this movie. I hope it will be THE comic book movie of 2009, like The Dark Knight for 2008!
- Mirrors — The man's face with the cracks on it is Kiefer Sutherland from the new Alexandre Aja movie Mirrors. Alex Aja has directed the 2003 thriller Haute Tension and the remake of The Hills Have Eyes, and both of them were effective, brutally violent horror-thrillers. Mirrors is a remake of a Korean horror movie, and it seems interesting, though I don't know how scary or thrilling it is. This movie has been released already.
- Crank II: High Voltage — Next up is Jason Statham as the assassin Chev Chelios from Crank II: High Voltage. This is a sequel to the 2006 movie Crank, which was a demented, fast-paced action movie about a hitman who has an "Asian Cocktail" of poisons injected into him, which will kill him in one hour — unless he keeps moving and keeps his adrenaline level high. The sequel I think will be releaed in 2009 or sometime later this year, and is apparently about Chev Chelios's heart being replaced with an electric one!
- Eagle Eye — The drawing features Michelle Monaghan from this movie, which was released sometime back. At least from reviews I've read of this movie, I think this is a case where the movie is better than expected.
- Rob Zombie's Tyrannosaurus Rex — All that we have to see from this movie (2009 release) are a bunch of paintings (by Nat Jones if I am not wrong) that Rob Zombie has posted on his MySpace profile (here). I have no idea what the movie is about, but it looks like it will be awesome for sure. I love the taglines ("51% Motherfucker, 49% Son of a Bitch" and "Fuck the World")! If I had to take a guess from the artwork, as to what the movie is about, I would say it's a post-apocalyptic (not sure about this, but I wish... one of the paintings reminded me of Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior) biker movie. Of course, one can expect it to be ultra-violent and bloody!
- RocknRolla — Next to the biker, there's Thandie Newton from the Guy Ritchie gangster movie RocknRolla. Like Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch., this movie also seems very cool from the trailer. Russian mobsters and assorted thugs after a priceless painting? Looks great. The movie has been released already and I want to see it. The poster artwork (and opening titles) are unique-looking and were created by Danny Yount (check out this article for more info). R U a RocknRolla?
- Saw V — This is no surprise. Being a fan of the four Saw movies released so far (my other Saw-related drawings include this one from 2004, Saw Trilogy from early 2007, and WTF is on the DVD from about a year back), I am eager to see the fifth entry in the series, regardless of what critics say. This was the first thing I put on the paper when I started drawing this picture. This is from one of the posters of the movie, showing Agent Peter Strahm in one of the traps — with his head in a glass box. This movie was released in the US on 24-Oct-08.
- The Day the Earth Stood Still — This one is coming out in December I think, and is a remake of the 1950s SF movie of the same name. The remake is from director Scott Derrickson (he made the fifth Hellraiser movie called Hellraiser: Inferno and the effective The Exorcism of Emily Rose) and stars Keanu Reeves. The first seven minutes of the movie apparently found their way online sometime back, and I heard that the footage was absolutely stunning. Anyway, the movie looks good.
I also recorded a short video of me explaining the picture. It runs a little over a minute long and has been uploaded to YouTube. Of course, it doesn't have as much information as this text description, but if you'd rather just have the basic details (or if you're exclaiming TLDR at this description), you can watch that! Video and audio quality isn't that great because the video was recorded with the inbuilt webcam on my laptop. Anyway, click the image below to view the video —

Finally, here's a little extra that I thought was worth adding — the uncoloured version of the drawing —
![8 Movies that I want to see in 2008-09 [Black and White Version] — by Karthik Abhiram](/cimg/2008_10_27-8_movies-bw-320.png)
It should also be noted that this drawing was churned out quite fast, and was totally unplanned (I was adding stuff as I went along, covering empty spaces on the paper), so quality-wise, it may not be that great. Anyway, a black-and-white print of this picture adorns one wall of my cubicle at office!
Comments for this Drawing
Dark Fate 2 is a singleplayer level for Doom II, replacing MAP01. It's a small-sized hellish level — and there's a walkthrough video as well.
Karthik Abhiram
27-year old Taurean (birthday 15-May-82), Assistant Manager - HR at Tata Consultancy Services Ltd in Hyderabad, India. Previously, did Post Graduate Diploma in Management from T A Pai Management Institute (2003-05) and before that, Computer Science Engineering from Sree Nidhi Institute of Science and Technology (1999-2003).
Email: karthik82 -AT- gmail -DOT- com
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