My Haiku

Wednesday · 8 Sep 04 · 11:20 PM IST | Posted by Karthik | Category: General

Busy with work the last couple of days, hence no posts.  Anyway today, I decided to try my hand at a little bit of Haiku writing, and I thought I'd post what I have so far.

For those who don't know what Haiku is, it's a style of writing poetry.  The Haiku poem consists of just seventeen syllables, where the first line has five, the second seven, and the third five again.  I've seen examples of Haiku in South Park and Fight Club, and I'd always thought they were very difficult to write.  Anyway it was after joining a community on orkut related to Haiku today, that I tried my hand at it.  So here goes:

Movie Related Haiku:

  • Capcom made the game,
    Anderson adapted it,
    Zombies kill people.
    (related to Resident Evil)
  • It's "Apocalypse".
    The second in the series.
    It releases soon.
    (related to Resident Evil: Apocalypse)
  • By Tarantino...
    Pure indulgence on his part,
    Fun for us to watch.
    (suits practically any Quentin Tarantino movie)
  • A twist at the end
    comes as a surprise, but I
    will keep it secret.
    (suits any movie with a twist at the end, such as Fight Club or The Sixth Sense)

Other Haiku:

  • Marketing people
    have a quiz in "Sales" today.
    I'm not one of them.
  • The 6:40 class,
    I call it the "night shift" class,
    we all feel sleepy.
  • Inside the toilet,
    creative thoughts were coming,
    it is time to flush.

Well, I am still in the Systems Lab now, but I will leave soon to go back to the hostel.  But first, I must have some coffee!

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Karthik Abhiram

27-year old Taurean (birthday 15-May-82), Assistant Manager - HR at Tata Consultancy Services Ltd in Hyderabad, India.  Previously, did Post Graduate Diploma in Management from T A Pai Management Institute (2003-05) and before that, Computer Science Engineering from Sree Nidhi Institute of Science and Technology (1999-2003).

Email: karthik82 -AT- gmail -DOT- com
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